One-day workshop
Dealing Professionally with Aggressive Behaviour
Workshops available
- Dealing Professionally with Aggressive Behaviour
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- Personal Safety Strategies
- Customer Engagement in Challenging Situations
Workshop modules
These modules provide a framework of skills that can be adapted to each client’s needs and environment.
Our pre-training consultation process ensures that every workshop is customised to each organisation’s specific brief.
By the end of the one-day workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify and assess the risks of aggression
- Outline the stages and timing of violence prevention strategies
- Identify the early warning signs of aggression
- Practice body language strategies to prevent and defuse aggression
- Identify effective verbal responses for conflict resolution
- Apply physical protection skills within a legal and professional framework
- Follow all organisational and legal requirements for incident reporting.
Purpose and who can benefit
This training is designed for staff whose roles place them in contact with unpredictable, challenging and aggressive behaviour, ranging from verbal abuse to physical threat. It is especially suited to frontline staff where customer service is a high priority.